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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Effect of Panretinal Photocoagulation on Visual Field and Macular Function in Diabetic Retinopathy
Dr. Perwez Khan, Dr. Satya Prakash Tiwari, Dr . Saumya Pande
Published: Oct. 31, 2014 | 84 126
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2014.v02i05.091
Pages: 1946-1950
A prospective interventional study was conducted among 40 eyes of 28 patients after taking informed consent. After proper history, examination and investigations PRP was performed . After completion of PRP patients were followed up at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months to access Best corrected visual acuity , Color vision , Contrast sensitivity , Visual field assessment and Indirect ophthalmoscopy . Out of 28 patients with very severe NPDR or PDR included in study , 19 patients were male and 9 female . After 3 months post PRP 82.50% had no loss in visual acquity (VA) , while 12.50% had 1 line loss and 5.00% had significant loss in VA by 2 or more than 2 lines . 82.50% of eyes regained their pre PRP contrast sensitivity while only (37.50%) regained their pretreatment color vision. PRP leads to stable field defect in central 30 degree of visual field. Mean difference of Mean deviation and Pattern standard deviation , before and after treatment was found to be highly significant statistically in all eyes undergoing study . Our study conclude that panretinal photocoagulation leads to decreased visual acquity and contrast senstivity in few patients , loss of colour vision in most of the patients and stable field defects in almost all the patients but for eyes with sightthreatening forms of diabetic retinopathy with good visual acuity PRP is effective in preventing blinding eye disease and ensure better quality of life.