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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-10 | Issue-10
Sirenomelia (Mermaid syndrome): Clinical observation of a case at the University Teaching Hospital 'Pr Bocar Sidy Sall' of Kati, Mali
Diaby M, Guindo B, Barry A, Diarra B, Coulibaly K, Bérété Z. C, Kouma A
Published: Oct. 2, 2022 | 213 102
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2022.v10i10.001
Pages: 1587-1590
Sirenomelia is a rare form of caudal dysgenesis generally incompatible with life due to the severe renal malformations associated. In Africa, it is associated with mystico-religious considerations and witchcraft and sometimes exposes the family to a violent stigmatization. The transgressions of socio-cultural prohibitions by parents would be the cause of the occurrence of this malformation. Its etiology is still very controversial. We report the observation of a case born at the University Teaching Hospital ‘Pr BSS’ of Kati, this is the first Malian case reported in the literature.