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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-8 | Issue-10
Cervical Lymphangioma of the Cystic Hygroma Type in an Adult Patient: Case Report of a Rare Condition
Paul Alejandro Aldaz Apolo, Jorge Jarrin Menéndez, Erika Martínez Oviedo, Yessenia Aguilar Duran, Santiago Barragán Pozo, Julián Acosta Bermeo, Kory Reinoso Trujillo, Kattya Córdova Cabrera
Published: Oct. 10, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2022.v08i10.002
Pages: 619-622
Introduction: Cervical lymphangiomas are lymphatic malformations that occur rarely in adult patients, they are usually masses that have their diagnosis and resolution at early ages, their origin is produced by embryological defects during development, they are frequently located in the cervical region particularly in the posterior triangle. Computed tomography scan is the study of choice due to its great contribution to determine extension and relationship with neighboring structures. As for treatment, the indication is complete resection of the mass. The definitive diagnosis will be based on the histopathological study of the sample. Clinical case: We introduce the case of a 78-year-old patient, who comes to consultation due to a cervical mass of 1 year of evolution and progressive growth. A right cervical mass is evidenced on physical examination; complementary tests are performed. Therefore, a complete resection of the mass is decided, procedure that is carried out without complications. In the histopathology study, a mass compatible with lymphangioma of the cystic hygroma type was reported. Conclusions: Cervical lymphangiomas are masses frequently found in children and exceptionally rare in adult patients, however, they should be included in the differential diagnosis of cervical masses. The treatment of choice is complete resection of the mass to avoid recurrence. In our case, complete resection of the cervical mass was achieved, without any complication and in subsequent controls no signs suggesting recurrence were observed.