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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Unusual Presentation of Giant Cell Tumour of Tendon Sheath in Hand: A Case Report
Dr. Vikram Singh Mujalde, Dr. Anjani Jalaj, Dr. Amit Ojha
Published: March 28, 2014 | 107 99
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2014.v02i03.006
Pages: 136-137
Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a slowly progressing benign tumor arising from synovial cells of tendon sheaths. Here we are going to present a case of a 20 year old male presenting with giant cell tumor of the middle finger of Left hand. Radiograph shows there was a large soft tissue swelling present over the volar aspect of middle finger of left hand causing cortical erosion. No evidence of soft tissue calcification is seen. Biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath.