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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-2 | Issue-07
Primary Hydatid Cyst in Axillary Region: A Rare Presentation
Umeshchandra D.G, Santosh M. Patil, A.V. Mudda, Ankur Bhatia, Karthik K., Dharmaprakash N.K.
Published: July 29, 2014 | 150 96
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2014.v02i07.013
Pages: 464-466
A 20 years old female presented to our hospital with complaints of painless swelling in left axilla of 2 months duration. Ultrasound of the axilla showed a unilocular cyst,patient underwent total cystectomy and diagnosis of primary axillary hydatid cyst was confirmed on histopathological examination. Primary axillary hydatid disease is rare even in endemic regions, only eighteen cases have been reported. This case report serves to demonstrate that hydatid disease should be borne in mind as the possible cause of a palpable lesion in the axillary region especially in endemic locations.