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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-8 | Issue-10
Correlation of Hearing Loss with the Site and Size of Tympanic Membrane Perforation
Dr. Ali Azim Muhammad Nafis, Dr. Md. Abul Hossan, Dr. Md. Ariful Islam, Dr. Abdulla Al Mamun
Published: Oct. 17, 2022 | 288 385
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2022.v08i10.008
Pages: 641-648
Objectives: This study was done to observe the relation of hearing loss with the site and size of tympanic membrane perforation. Methods: It was a prospective type of Observational study which was conducted at the Department of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, Uttara Adhunik Medical College Hospital, Dhaka during the period of May 2012 to October 2012 on patients that attended the outpatient department and also who were admitted in otolaryngology and head-neck surgery department. Total 200 patients (between 14 to 50 years of age) with perforated tympanic membrane in pars tensa were included by non-randomized purposive sampling. Among these patients 108 were male and 92 were female. They were categorized according to site and size of tympanic membrane perforation. Hearing threshold was assessed by pure tone audiometry. Results: According to size, there were small 44 (22%), medium 65 (32.5%), large 48 (24%) and subtotal /big central 43 (21.5%) perforations. According to location, there were anterior central 28 (14%), posterior central 35 (17.5%), central malleolar 94 (47.0%) and big central/subtotal 43 (21.5%) perforations. It was found that subtotal/big central perforations with the average bone conduction threshold 17.40 ±10.62 dB (SD), air conduction threshold 46.95 ±12.89 dB and air- bone gap 29.56 ± 5.85 dB caused more hearing loss than small and medium sized perforations. So it was seen that larger the perforation, more the hearing loss. Anterior central perforation had average bone conduction threshold 13.03 ± 3.61 dB, air conduction threshold 33.48 ± 4.81 dB and air-bone gap 20.86 ± 3.73 dB. Posterior central perforation had average bone conduction threshold 15.44 ± 7.38 dB, air conduction threshold 40.64 ± 10.34 dB and air-bone gap 25.11 ± 6.42 dB. This difference represent that posterior central perforation causes more hearing loss than that of anterior central. Hearing loss is also related to duration of perforation. Perforation for 0-5 years with ....