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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-2 | Issue-08
Opportunistic Infection seen in the course of the Esophagus Cancer Treatment
EceFidan Küçük, MerveHatice Güvercin, Melike Arabacı, YaseminKılıç Öztürk, Yusuf Adnan Güçlü, TevfikTanju Yılmazer, Dr. Haluk Mergen, Kurtulus Ongel
Published: Aug. 28, 2014 | 157 112
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2014.v02i08.001
Pages: 507-508
Esophagus Cancer is thought to be the sixth leading cancer and fifth leading cause of death worldwide, with a high incidence.It occurs more frequently in men over50 years old.However overall curability rate is less than %10; systemic disease is found in over 50% of the cases at presentation, which leads to incurability. Thus the palliative and symptomatic treatment modalities are more important in esophagial cancers. Opportunistic infections concomitant to cancers are the problems which effect the life quality; negatively. An opportunistic infection- thezona zoster case, which is generated during the esophagus cancer treatment is presented in this case report.