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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-8 | Issue-04
Vasculo-Nervous Conflict of the Pontocerbellous Angle Revealed by a Hemiface Spasm
Belhaj N, Rahim H, Ait Taleb Oumhand H, Bencheikh R, Benbouzid MA, Essakalli L
Published: April 21, 2020 | 185 146
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2020.v08i04.015
Pages: 473-475
Facial hemispasm is secondary to neuro-conflict vascular in the majority of cases; a lesion of the posterior fossa is rarely involved. MRI, thanks to volume sequences and angio-MRI, proves this. We report in this work, the observation of a patient who consulted for hemiface spasm in the radiological assessment is reported to have shown a vaculonervous conflict.