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SAS Journal of Surgery | Volume-8 | Issue-10
Obstructive Jaundice: A Clinical Analysis with it’s Management
Dr. Abhijit Sarma, Dr. Purujit Choudhury
Published: Oct. 19, 2022 |
DOI: 10.36347/sasjs.2022.v08i10.010
Pages: 658-662
Jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders and the evaluation and management of obstructive jaundice is a common problem faced by the general surgeon. Obstructive jaundice of varied etiology is one of the causes of admission to hospitals across Guwahati Medical College & Hospital. To diagnose the cause, site of obstruction and management of a case of surgical jaundice is indeed a challenging task for the surgeon. Hence, a comprehensive study of the etiology, clinical presentation and management of obstructive jaundice is of paramount importance in the appropriate management of these patients. This study evaluates the age and sex distribution, clinical presentation, aetiology, and the different modalities of treatment of obstructive jaundice. Stone extraction and CBD exploration with cholecystectomy and drainage procedure was done by T tube or choledochoduodenostomy.