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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-2 | Issue-12
Variation in flexor digitorum brevis
Kardile Poorwa Baburao, Ughade Jaideo Manohar
Published: Dec. 31, 2014 | 113 97
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2014.v02i12.025
Pages: 833-834
During our routine dissection we noted a variation in flexor digitorum brevis muscle of a 60-year-old male cadaver. Flexor digitorum brevis is the superficial intrinsic muscle lying in the first layer of the sole of the foot. It normally gives four tendons for the lateral four toes. We found a variation in the left foot where flexor digitorum brevis gave three tendons for middle three toes and the tendon for the little toe was absent. Knowledge of such variation may help in various surgical procedures such as tendon transfer and placement of prosthesis. Flexor digitorum brevis is often used for reconstruction of the heel pad by musculocutaneous flap transfer.