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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-10
Perioscopy in Dentistry- A Literature Review
Dharshanram R, Pukazh Murasu M, Amiltharasan D
Published: Oct. 30, 2018 | 170 118
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2018.v05i10.004
Pages: 479-482
Abstract: The aim of this review is to summarize existing evidence of history, parts, mechanism and uses of perioscopy. The perioscope, as it is called, is an endoscope that has been specifically designed to explore and visualize the periodontal pocket in patients with periodontitis. An image on a computer monitor shows the diseased tooth's root surface. The perioscope enables the clinician to see the contents of the periodontal pocket and to analyze the root surface of the tooth for disease, as well as to see plaque and calculus. This form of periscope, with the addition of two simple lenses, served for observation purposes in the trenches during World War I. The existing literature on perioscopy, the literature on the videoscope, the literature on VMIS, and the techniques designed around the advantages of the videoscope have been reviewed. The published clinical results are favorable and indicate that VMIS can be used to consistently regenerate bone around periodontally damaged teeth.