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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Antimicrobial Effects of Triantibiotic Paste in Endodontic Treatment of Chronic Apical Periodontitis
Maria Tanumihardja, Sitti Wahyuni, Ilham J. Pattelongi, Rasmidar Samad, Syarifuddin Wahid
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2015.v02i01.012
Pages: 58-62
Abstract: The use of intracanal (ciprofloxacin,metronidazole, minocycline) dressing is essential to remove any remaining bacteria in the root canal treatment of chronic apical periodontitis (CAP). However, no single medicament commonly used has been found to be completely effective. This clinical study with pre and post test design was aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of triantibiotic paste from the exudates of human root canals. Exudates samples were taken from 24 necrotic root canals after chemo-mechanical preparation and a 7-day inter appointment medication with calcium hydroxide paste. Samples were then allocated into two groups. Group 1 (G1) was locally delivered with triantibiotic paste in apical area. Group 2 (G2) was remedicated with Ca(OH)2 paste. Exudates samples were taken after a 7-day medication. All samples were incubated in blood agar and nutrient agar and were evaluated for bacterial load (CFU) and presence of bacteria for a 14-day observation. All baseline samples were positive for bacteria. Following 7 days of Ca(OH)2medication, median bacterial load of G1 was 3x103, and 1.5x 103ofG2. Following 7 days medication with triantibiotic paste, the median bacterial load for G1 was 1x103 which was significantly decreased (p=0.024). For G2, the median bacterial load was 3x103 and no significant difference was observed. (p=0.441). Disappearance of bacteria was found in 2 samples of each group before treatment. Following treatment with triantibiotic paste, disappearance of bacteriawas found in another 3 samples, while G2 showed positive for bacteria in 10 samples. We had concluded that triantibiotic paste showed additional antimicrobial effect over commonly used calcium hydroxide, and may prevent the growth of bacteria.