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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Mandible-An Indicator for age and sex determination using digital Orthopantomogram
Dr. Atiyaah Muskaan, Dr. Sonali Sarkar
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 | 114 120
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2015.v02i01.017
Pages: 82-95
Abstract: Mandible is a dimorphic bone of the skull and has aided in determining the sex as well as the age of an individual. Mandibular condyle as well as the ramus of the mandible have particularly shown sexual dimorphism. Digital panoramic radiographs can be used to determine age and sex. The Aim & Objective of the present study to evaluate various radiomorphometric indices in digital dental panoramic radiograph in order to identify possible interrelationships between these indices and sex and age of the patients analyzed. Forty digital panoramic radiographs were selected. Age, sex and dental status of the patients were recorded. The radiographs were grouped into four 10-year age groups (by decades). The mental index, maximum and minimum breadth of ramus of mandible and the height of the coronoid were measured. In relation to the mental index, high significance was found between male and females in both the right and left side. In regards to the maximum breadth of ramus of the mandible in both the right and left side a high significant difference is observed between male and female of higher age group. The height of coroniod in both right and left side between male and female of all age group showed a significant result for sex determination. While comparing the different age groups it was noticed group I (21-30yrs) and group IV (51-60yrs) showed highly significant results in regards to mental index in both right and left of males. The maximum and minimum breadth of ramus of the mandible did not yield any significance for the age determination. Comparison of the height of the coronid in both male and female irrespective of right and left side yielded highly significant results in between all the four age groups. In the present study while comparing the different age groups it was noticed group I (21-30yrs) and group IV (51-60yrs) showed highly significant results in regards to mental index in both right and left of females. The results concluded that coronoid hei