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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Platelet rich fibrin: A boon for periradicular regeneration
Mohil Asnani, Kiran Vachhani , Hitesh Sonigra , Kailash Attur , Pooja Trivedi , Rushi Shelat
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 | 88 88
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2015.v02i01.019
Pages: 100-103
Abstract: A large periapical cyst could be an impressive indication for a periapical surgery. Once surgery is done different bone regenerative precedures can be used to promote healing. A 16 years old female patient complained of pain and mobility in relation to maxillary right lateral incisor (tooth 12).A history of trauma 8 years ago preceded it. The clinical and radiographic diagnosis was suggestive of an infected periapical cyst with invasive cervical root resorption in relation to tooth 12. Endodontic treatment along with periapical curettage was performed in 12 followed by apicoectomy and retrograde filling with white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Regenerative procedure included the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF)to fill up the periapical defect. Satisfactory healing and regeneration of periapical region was observed in the post operative follow up. PRF is now becoming interestingly popular regenerative procedure either used alone or in addition with other regenerative materials. Besides being rich in platelet concentration, it is also a reservoir of many growth factors that promotes successful hard and soft tissue healing. Its relative ease of availability from the patient’s own blood also adds on to its success story.