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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-06
Quantitative evaluation of serum iron, ferritin and Total iron binding capacity (T.I.B.C.) in patients with oral cancer and pre cancers
Dr. Kedarnath K. Kalyanpur, Dr. (Mrs) Daya. K .Jangam
Published: June 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2015.v02i06.002
Pages: 349-354
Abstract: Iron is an essential nutrient playing a central role in metabolism and also is an essential component in DNA synthesis and respiratory and oxidative metabolism which relate to the properties of unremitting proliferation and a more anaerobic metabolism that may contribute to a selective advantage of neoplastic cells over non neoplastic cells. Clinical correlations have been made linking cellular iron content to the development of cancer in human. We investigated the correlation between the serum levels of iron, ferritin and T.I.B.C. (Total iron binding capacity) in patients with oral cancer and precancers. Study includes a total of 60 patients, which included 20 patients of histo pathologically confirmed oral cancer, 20 patients of histo pathologically confirmed oral precancers and 20 healthy controls. The serum levels of iron, ferritin and T.I.B.C. were evaluated. It was noted that there was decrease in levels of serum iron and serum ferritin in progressive stages of cancer. Also, there was decrease in levels of serum iron and ferritin in patients with O.S.M.F. as compared to patients with leukoplakia. There was a lot of variation in levels of various cases and was statistically not significant. The present study could not establish total iron levels as an early marker of oral cancer and precancer, but serum iron, ferritin, T.I.B.C. levels are good indicators of total iron levels and should be evaluated compulsorily in both oral cancer and precancer.