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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-07
Treatment of Geographic Tongue Superimposing Fissured Tongue: A literature review with case report
Jalaleddin H Hamissi, Mahsa EsFehani, Zahra Hamissi
Published: July 30, 2015 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2015.v02i07.005
Pages: 409-413
Abstract: Tongue is a most sensitive part of the oral cavity. It is responsible for many functions in the mouth like swallowing, speech, mastication, speaking and breathing. Geographic tongue (Benign migratory glossitis, erythema migrans) is an asymptomatic inflammatory disorder of tongue with controversial etiology. This disease is characterized by erythematous areas showing raised greyish or white circinate lines or bands with irregular pattern on the dorsal surface of the tongue and depapillation. The objective in presenting the case report and literature review is to discuss the clinical presentation, associated causative factors and management strategies of geographic tongue.