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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-02
Survey of Attitudes, Materials and Methods Preferred in Root Canal Therapy by Dentists in Palestine
Tarek H. Rabi
Published: Feb. 27, 2016 | 111 93
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2016.v03i02.002
Pages: 51-57
Abstract: Procedure related factors define the success of root canal procedures in majority of the cases. While there are several guidelines available, the compliance rate is substantially low. This study evaluates the attitudes, materials and methods preferred in root canal therapy by dentists in Palestine. An online self-administered questionnaire was sent to 200 Palestinian dentists. The questionnaire consisted of a total of 21 questions with multiple choice answers subdivided under general information, general approach to endodontic process, disinfection of root canal and root canal obturation and approach to access cavity restoration. Only about 6% of the dentists stated that they always used rubber dam, with saliva ejector or cotton rolls the most preferred isolation method. Majority of the dentists never used magnification and about 41.17% of them frequently detected and treated a fourth canal. Step-back technique was mostly preferred while K file was most preferred for RCT preparation. Apex locator was the most preferred method of determination of the working length (34%) followed by tactile sensation. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) was the most preferred root canal irrigant and 4% was the most preferred concentration among majority of the dentists. Most preferred use of lateral condensation, gutta percha (GP) with sealer (68.19%). Overall, composite was the most preferred choice for final restoration. Endodontic procedures being followed by majority of the Palestinian dentists were different from those recommended in standard guidelines and evidence based studies. Nevertheless, the findings of this study may be useful as baseline data for future studies.