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Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports | Volume-10 | Issue-11
Anorectal Buschke-Löwenstein Tumor: A Case Report
A. Snoussi, M. Zouaoui, F. Z. Boubakr, N. Elmoutaouakil, S. Noubail, M. Boussouab, S. Boustani, Y. Hnach, M. Azouaoui, N. Aqodad
Published: Nov. 2, 2022 | 165 180
DOI: 10.36347/sjmcr.2022.v10i11.001
Pages: 1074-1076
Giant condyloma acuminata (GCA) or Buschke Lowenstein tumour (BLT) is a rare clinical entity of viral origin, transmitted essentially by sexual transmission, and is common in immunocompromised patients. It develops in the genital or perianal area, creating a large, bulging lesion that may be ulcerated or fistulised in neighbouring organs. The search for other associated sexually transmitted infections is mandatory. A rigorous clinical examination and additional imaging allow a precise assessment of the lesion to be made. Treatment is essentially surgical and must be extensive because of the tumour's high recurrencepotential. Neo-adjuvant treatments such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy deserve to be better evaluated to limit the disabling nature of surgery.