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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-8 | Issue-11
Spirituality in Moroccan Psychiatric Context
Gourani Ahmed, Imane Adali, Fatima Asri, Fatiha Manoudi
Published: Nov. 3, 2022 | 207 214
DOI: 10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i11.001
Pages: 782-785
Objective: Assessing the place of spirituality in psychiatry seems interesting, since the spiritual life influences the psychological experience of patients, and sometimes a defense deal with life frustrations. Studies are rare in this field. Methods: We evaluate the role of spirituality in psychiatry in the moroccaon context: its palce in the lives of patients followed in psychiatry and its place in the practice of psychiatrists. We have evaluated patient socio-demographic and medical characteristics, the importance of spirituality in their life, its importance to deal with their disease. We have also evaluated the importance of spirituality in the psychiatrists practice, and if it has or not a paradox with their medical interventions. Results: The results showed that 56 % of patients were men. Patients with schizophrenia represented 37%, and 28% had a depression. Religious practices were present in 87% of patients. Religion had an important place in the life of 71% of patients and 61 % had mentioned their faith in God to deal with the disease. The majority of patients (83%) do not find a conflict between spirituality and the psychiatric cares. The majority of practitioners (90%) accept receiving a spiritual request from their patients. Conclusion: Spirituality has an important place in psychiatry in Moroccan context. Patients and practitioners consider it an important side of life, and do not find any paradox between it and psychiatric cares.