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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-05
Feeding Plate: A Boon to Cleft Palate Patients: A Case Report
Dr. Budarapu Silpa, Dr. P. Mahesh, Dr. P. Srinivas Rao, Dr. K. Sahitha
Published: May 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2016.v03i05.001
Pages: 129-132
Abstract: Cleft palate is most common congenital anomalies of craniofacial region. New born with cleft palate have a distorted maxillary arch at birth. Depending upon the type of cleft, infants suffer from a variety of problems, many of which are related to feeding difficulties. Feeding problems frequently associated with cleft palate neonates which make it difficult for the infant to maintain adequate nutrition. Many methods have been devised to overcome this problem, including the use of special bottles, nipples, and initial obturator therapy. This clinical report describes fabrication of feeding plate for neonate born with cleft lip and palate. Feeding plate is a prosthetic aid that is designed to seal the cleft and restore the separation between oral and nasal cavities.