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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-07
The efficacy of silk fibroin on compressive strength of mineral trioxide aggregate
Roohollah Sharifi, Masoud Sadeghi, Hamid Reza Mozaffari, Asa Rahmatabadi
Published: July 30, 2016 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2016.v03i07.004
Pages: 207-209
Abstract: Despite its favorable properties, MTA presents some shortcomings like long setting time. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of silk fibroin on compressive strength of MTA. Twelve packs of MTA (produtos Odontologicus Angelus industrial), soluble silk fibroin (2gr) and distilled water (2ml), respectively, were mixed to a ratio of 3:1. Every mixing was placed in a stainless steel cylindrical container with an inner diameter of 4 mm and a height of 6 mm for setting and incubated at 37°C and humidity of 95%. The most of the force required to break for each specimen was considered as compressive strength (compressive strength). The broken sample was evaluated under an electron microscope (SEM) and the changes in surface topography were studied for case samples and control samples. There were significant differences between two groups after one day and after seven days. Also, there were significantly different after seven days versus after one day for case control. Therefore, the MTA was more after one day and seven days in the control group compared with case samples and also was more after seven days versus one day in case samples. In conclusion, the solution of silk fibroin (2%) was no effective on the compressive strength of MTA, although there was no the difference in the compressive strength between two groups in 7th day.