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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-09
Assessment of sterilization technique practices at dental clinics of Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Dr. Seema Bargale, Dr. Nikhil Patel, Dr. Bhavna Dave, Dr. Poonacha K.S., Dr. Akash Ardeshana, Dr. Devanshi Mehta
Published: Sept. 30, 2016 | 80 70
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2016.v03i09.001
Pages: 240-246
Abstract: To evaluate the knowledge of sterilization methods used in private dental practitioners in Vadodara, Gujarat. It was a cross-sectional survey study design which was conducted to assess Private Dental Practitioner’s knowledge and awareness towards sterilization in Vadodara city, Gujarat. Prior appointment and the schedule for the study were obtained from the Private Dental Practitioners. The objective questionnaire proformas was distributed on first appointment and it was collected after 3-4-days.The questionnaire proformas contains 12 self prepared questions which had been validated through statistical analysis. The questionnaire is self-prepared. Validation Formula: Validated Questionnaire Results is 82.5% for this study. Self-prepared questionnaire is validated using chi-square test. The collected data will be entered in SPSS 18.0with the level of significance is 0.05 (5%). Content Validity: All content of questioners with respect to multiple options are checked by the experts and its 100% reliable. Statistically significance difference in knowledge regarding sterilization has been seen in qualification of private dental practitioners with better knowledge in MDS that is 49.1% as compared to BDS that is 17.4%. While 27.8% Male and 19.6% Female have good Knowledge and 63.3% Male and 76.1% Female have Moderate Knowledge Regarding the sterilization Practice. No statistically significance difference has been observed in year of practice and age of private dental practitioners. The Knowledge assessment regarding sterilization was better in MDS private dental practitioners.