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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-09
Comparison of Locking Titanium Miniplates and Conventional Titanium Miniplates in Treatment of Mandibular Fractures
Dr. Amjad Ali, Dr. Jagadish Chandra. H, Dr B.H. Sripathi Rao
Published: Sept. 30, 2016 | 88 74
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2016.v03i09.004
Pages: 257-263
Abstract: The goal of fracture management is to restore proper function by union of the fractured segments and restoring the strength, contour defects that might have happened at the time of injury, and controlling infection at the fracture site.1The present study were to evaluate and compare the treatment outcome between 2D locking titanium miniplates and conventional 2D miniplates for symphysis, parasymphysis and body fractures in the mandibular region. A total of 30 patients who sustained fracture in the symphysis, parasymphysis and body region were enrolled for this study. The patients were randomly and equally allocated into two groups. Group-A patient fractures were treated by locking titanium plates and Group-B Patient fractures were treated by conventional 2D mini plates. The patients were followed up at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months for occlusion, infection, hardware failure, stability of fracture segments, healing and paraesthesia .From the results one patient in Group-A had post-operative complication and none of the patients in Group -B had any complications. From this present study we would like to conclude locking titanium miniplates are an alternative mode of treatment for mandibular symphysis, parasymphysis and body fractures.