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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-05
Clinical Profile and Outcome of Japanese Encephalitis & Non- Japanese Encephalitis adults Admitted with Acute Encephalitis Syndrome: A comparative prospective cohort study
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Published: Aug. 29, 2015 | 51 50
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2015.v03i05.047
Pages: 2038-2045
Acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) is a major health problem in north eastern Uttar Pradesh as it affects thousands of patients & heavy morbidity and mortality leading to death of several hundreds and even greater number as disabled. This study was undertaken to assess the viral JE & Non JE and epidemiology of acute encephalitis in adults in Northern Uttar Pradesh. Between August 2009 to October 2010 in the Department of Medicine, Nehru hospital, attached to the B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur, a total of 200 patients with history of fever with altered mental state of short duration patients included. Study showed that mean age of Non JE was 31.28 yrs and 41.5 yrs in JE cases and most common cause of AES was acute viral (Non JE) encephalitis (57.5%). Dominant clinical presentation in both group were fever and altered sensorium and meningeal irritation sign were frequently observed in half of patients. Extra pyremidal sign disorder was statistically predominant in JE patients. Abnormalities in liver and renal functions were noted while Aspiration pneumonitis (17%) was the most common secondary complication. Neurological sequelae like Cognitive impairment in JE and psychosis in Non-JE cases while 13.79% in JE and 10.43% in Non JE had died in hospital. In conclusion AES is still a major cause of AES in adults in this part of India. These significant research findings seek the attentions of the global community to combat the hazard of this arboviral encephalitis in saving the life of adults.