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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-3 | Issue-05
Study on variability in the location of nutrient foramen in fibular diaphysis of Indian population
Dr. Gopalakrishna. K, Dr. Shrikrishna. G. Kulkarni, Dr. BS. Rathna
Published: Aug. 30, 2015 | 58 74
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2015.v03i05.059
Pages: 2091-2095
The location of nutrient foramen is particular and variable to each bone. It is important in orthopedic surgery, forensic science, anthropology and anatomy. This study was aimed to evaluate the variation in the location of nutrient foramen in fibular diaphysis of right and left side and its relation with length of bone. Materials and methods: Simple random sample of 116 unpaired fibulas [R-58, L-58] of Indian population were used. The student’s t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used to evaluate the objectives. Results: Totally 116 nutrient foramen were found. Distance of nutrient foramen from the proximal end was 16.45±2.83cm [R] and 14.70±2.71cm [L]. Total length of bone was 35.16±3.32 [R] and 34.35±3.10 [L]. Foramina index was 46.31±3.89 [R] and 42.23±4.22 [L]. Conclusion: Significant variability in the location of nutrient foramen in fibular diaphysis was observed between right and left side groups. Strong and linear positive correlation was found between the location and total length of bone.