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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-02
Comparative evaluation of effectiveness of surgical blade, electrosurgery, free gingival graft and diode laser for the management of gingival hyperpigmentation
Dr Pooja P Suryavanshi, Dr. M L Bhongade
Published: Feb. 28, 2017 | 105 180
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i02.007
Pages: 68-73
The objective is to compare effectiveness of surgical blade, electrosurgery, free gingival graft and diode laser for the management of gingival hyperpigmentation. 40 patients who were concern for the unaesthetic anterior gingival due to melanin hyperpigmentation were treated in this study. Out of 40 patients, 10 patients were treated by using surgical blade, 10 by electrosurgery, and 10 by using free gingival graft and 10 patients by using diode laser. The gingival hyperpigmentation was recorded pre-operatively and 3 months post-surgery by measuring area of hyperpigmentation in square millimeters and severity of hyperpigmentation by using Dummet’s oral pigmentation index (DOPI). Healing was uneventful and required no supportive therapy. No patients experienced severe pain during or post-surgically. Mild discomfort was more common in free gingival graft during the first week. At 3 months localized area of re-pigmentation was seen in group treated by surgical blade and electrosurgery. However no re-pigmentation was noticed at 3 months in diode laser group and free gingival group. Depigmentation of gingival hyperpigmentation using diode laser and free gingival graft were found to be effective procedures. However, diode laser yields esthetically acceptable results along with patient satisfaction.