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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-05
Cast Partial framework Obturator- A Promising rehabilitation for oral cancer patients: Case Report
Dr. Anandmayee Chaturvedi, Dr. Rupal J. Shah
Published: May 30, 2017 | 109 121
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i05.008
Pages: 246-249
Malignancies are common in the oral region. In Indian male, oral cancer is the most prevalent cancer; these cancers are treated through surgical intervention. Surgery creates communication between the oral cavity, nasal cavity, and maxillary sinus. Post-surgical maxillary defects pre-dispose the patient to impaired masticatory function, hyper nasal speech and fluid leakage into the oral cavity. A prosthesis used to close such palatal defect in a dentate or edentulous mouth is referred to as an obturator. Because of the cantilever suspension of the obturator section, a good mechanical retention device should be used. There are many technical methods and mechanical devices for obtaining maximum retention and stability. The purpose of this article is to describe the procedure for making a partial denture obturator with cast framework to improve retention, stability and support of the obturator.