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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-06
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses about oral health care in Intensive care unit patients (a cross-sectional study)
Marzieh Karimi Afshar, Molook Torabi , Omid Ali Didar, Mehrnaz Karimi Afshar
Published: June 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i06.005
Pages: 271-275
Intensive care unit (ICU) patients especially those are on mechanical ventilation, have complex oral care needs. Inadequate oral care may be predispose ICU patients to nosocomial infections. The aim of this study was to assess the attitudes, knowledge, and practice of ICU nurses (Kerman, Iran). This cross-sectional study was conducted on 70 nurses working in ICU departments. Data were collected by a valid and reliable questionnaire in 6 parts(demographic data, knowledge, attitude , practice and self-assessment questions).Data were analyzed by SPSS 11.5 software using chi2 and t tests. P value considered at 0.05%significant level. Eighty four and three percent were women and 15.7% were men. The mean age was 28.5±4.3 years. Twenty eight and six percent, 64.3% of participants had good knowledge and practice about oral hygiene in ICU patients respectively. Forty percent had positive attitude to oral hygiene in ICU patients. Chlorhexidine mouth wash were routinely used by 100% of nurses. Thirty five and seven percent of nurses had received training in ICU patient’s oral care. Based on the results of the present study knowledge about ICU patients oral care was low and practice is favorite . Nurses require more education for management the oral care of ICU patients effectively. Further research is recommended.