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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Management of Altered Passive Eruption: Review & Case Report
Dr. Soni Tulika, Dr. Bhongade ML, Dr. Gupta Supriya, Dr. Kale Bhairavi, Dr. Agrawal Ankita
Published: March 30, 2017 | 124 233
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i03.004
Pages: 104-108
A smile is the most common facial expression to display satisfaction, joy or happiness. ‘Gummy smile’ in case of short clinical crown constitutes a relatively frequent esthetic disadvantage characterized by excessive display of the gums during upper lip smiling. One situation that can lead to gummy smile is “Altered passive eruption”. It is defined as a dentogingival relationship wherein the gingival margin is positioned coronally to the cementoenamel junction due to the disruption in the development and eruptive patterns of the teeth. In this article periodontal surgical procedure is described to find the effectiveness of internal bevel gingivectomy with osseous contouring to restore gingival health and the esthetic parameters of the smile line.