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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-03
Socket Shield Technique-A Neoteric Approach in Ridge Preservation
Anas B, K. Kamalakanth Shenoy
Published: March 30, 2017 | 119 160
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i03.009
Pages: 125-128
Resorption of alveolar bone subsequent to extraction resulting in loss of alveolar bone height and width is sequelae that pose difficulty in placement of an implant especially in esthetically important area like maxillary anterior region. Several approaches have been described in the literature to overcome the complications of alveolar ridge resorption and to preserve the ridge like the hard and soft tissue augmentation with GBR, bone substitutes with or without immediate implant placement. An ideal method should always be cost effective and minimally invasive. Socket shield technique is one such new method where buccal root segment is retained as a shield which prevents resorption and achieves complete alveolar ridge preservation.