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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-09
Exploring the Needle Stick Injuries among Nursing in Benghazi Medical Centers
Muftah .A. ELFaituri, Mailud El-Amari, Fadya .A. Menesi, Zahzahan Saiti, Heba .W.Elsahli, S.M. Al-Ojali, Khulod .F. Eftaita
Published: Sept. 30, 2017 | 92 86
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i09.005
Pages: 400-404
Needle sticks and other sharps-related injuries which involve workers to expose to blood borne pathogens is continue to be a significant hazard for hospital employees. Needle sticks are a common occurrence in the health care profession. It is estimated that 600 to 800 thousand needle stick injuries occur per year in the United States. Needle stick injuries may be prevented by educating, health care providers about the dangers syringes and other objects contaminated with blood. The present study explores the needle stick injuries among nursing staff working in a general hospital in Benghazi, as a main occupational risk factor for health care worker, especially for nursing group. The study was a descriptive ' cross section study . Including of 101 nurse working morning time , and accept to participate in our study, working in the medical centers at the time of conducting the study in Benghazi city. The study tools was constructed by the investigators as questionnaire about knowledge and practice of nurses regarding needle and sharp instruments risks. Data collected was sorted and cleaned than simple descriptive statistics was applied. The present study included 101 participants from the nursing staff working in medical centers in Benghazi city, participating nursing staff believe that needle sticks and sharp injuries are the most serious injuries in their work environment, as 65.3% expected to get needle stick injury during work. Present study revealed that the procedures followed in case of needle stick injury as 42.5% depend on request of the colleague for assistance, followed by personal first aid by 37.6%. Initiate the injury reporting system, and document the exposure in workplace, especially for nursing and others.