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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-11
Scleroderma: Unique Fish Tail Radiographic Appearance- A Case Report
Dr. Akanksha Bhandari, Dr. Chetan Bhadage, Dr. Ajay Bhoosreddy , Dr. Gayatri Mehrotra, Dr. Priyanka Vedpathak
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 | 91 95
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i11.003
Pages: 475-479
Progressive systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma) is a generalized auto-immune, connective tissue disorder which is characterized by fibrosis that involves skin, muscles, and internal organs like the GIT, lungs, heart, blood vessels and Kidneys. Systemic sclerosis not only affect the facial structures but also oral structures thus presenting a diagnostic dilemma. Oro-facial and radiographic manifestations include mask like facial appearance, microstomia, restricted mouth opening, xerostomia, periodontal diseases, malocclusion, widened periodontal ligament (PDL) space, pseudo ankyloses, pulpal calcifications, and osseous resorption. Early diagnosis and appropriate therapy help to manage this disorder which is treatable but not curable. Hereby, presenting a case of systemic sclerosis in a 43 year old female patient with mask like face appearance, digital ulceration, claw like deformity of hands, reduced mouth opening, and fibrosis of oral mucosa. OPG showed generalized PDL space widening and resorption at posterior border of ramus of mandible. The distinctive presentation enabled us to give the diagnosis of progressive systemic sclerosis. Treatment should be initiated at its earliest because of various complications reported. Therefore, an adequate knowledge of clinical characteristics, oral manifestations and therapeutic aspects is essential in order to provide an effective treatment to these patients.