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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-11
The Evaluation of the Type & Calcification Patterns in Styloid Process: A Retrospective Digital Radiographic Study
Dr. Girish Katti, Dr. Kirandevi Puranik, Dr. Syed Shahbaz, Dr. Sreenivasrao Ghali4
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i11.004
Pages: 480-485
Styloid process (SP) is a long, slender and pointed bony process projecting downwards, forwards and slightly medially from the temporal bone. It may vary in its length and thickness with the degree of ossification. SP elongation is known as Eagle’s Syndrome when it causes clinical symptoms such as neck and cervicofacial pain. The study is to determine the incidence of type/patterns of calcification in SP and correlation between types and patterns of calcification of styloid process with age and gender.120 digital panoramic radiographs were assessed retrospectively from the archives of Department of Oral Radiology for the length, type/patterns of calcification of styloid process within the age range of 21-60 years. The apparent length was measured with the help of measuring tools on the accompanying software. The type and pattern of SP was classified as per Langlai’s classification. The data obtained is further subjected to statistical analysis. Among 120 subjects, there were 30 subjects in each age group which were equally divided into males and females with minimum age of 21 years and maximum of 60years. The most common type & pattern in all the age groups was Type I & Type A of styloid process respectively. On comparison with male and female the most common type of styloid process is Type I and most frequent pattern is Type A. There is no statistical significance association of styloid process type and pattern between males and females & age groups. Digital panoramic radiography is useful for detection of an elongated SP or ossification of stylohyoid ligaments in patients with or without symptoms and can thus avoid misinterpretation of symptoms such as tonsillar pain or pain of dental, and pharyngeal region. Hence a radiographic classification of the styloid process may help to clarify the diagnosis and aid in surgical planning.