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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-11
Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma of the Mandible: Uncommon Case Report
Omami Mounir, Ben Ali R, Ben Messaoud N, Chebbi K, Zakhama A, Hamdi H, Selmi J
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i11.007
Pages: 496-499
Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a tumor, which has the histologic features of ameloblastic fibroma (AF) in conjunction with the presence of dentin and enamel. It is less common than AF, accounting for 0.3–1.7% of jaw tumours, signifying its rarity. There is no gender or anatomic site predilection. We report a case of AFO in a 40-year-old female patient involving the left body of the mandible. After a promising presurgical evaluation, a conservative surgical approach, including enucleation of the lesion and curettage of the surrounding bone was done. To ovoid fracture of the mandible, splint fixation with circummandibular wires was used. Clinical and radiographic control, two years after surgery, showed perfect healing of the lesion and no sign of recurrence.