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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-4 | Issue-11
The Use of Palatal Rugae in Assessment of Antero Posterior Tooth Movements
Dr. Sharath Kumar Shetty, Dr. Ajay Srinivas, Dr. Mahesh Kumar Y, Dr. Revanth Soonthodu, Dr. Manjucharan
Published: Nov. 30, 2017 | 97 91
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2017.v04i11.013
Pages: 523-529
The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of orthodontic treatment on rugae pattern and to evaluate the validity and reliability of using palatal rugae area before, during and after orthodontic treatment to assess the degree of tooth movement. This study was a retrospective investigation in which patient records were evaluated at two different time periods. The sample consited of 60 treated cases from the Department of Orthodontics, K.V.G Dental College, Sullia. These included 30 cases from 2 different types of malocclusion- Angle's class I bimaxillary protrusion malocclusion and Angle's class I crowding malocclusion. During space closure the measurement from the study models showed that the mean incisor movement was 6.1, whereas, the mean molar movement observed was 4.9. The respective measurements obtained from the lateral cephalogram superimposition showed a mean incisor movement of 5.5 with SD 1.9 mm and the mean molar movement was 5.3. The amount of retraction in class I Bimaxillary protrusion sample ranged from 5.5mm in models and 5.7 mm in radiograph and in CI I Crowding it ranged around 4.5 mm in models and 4.6mm in radiographs.The amount of anchor loss in Class I Bimaxillary protrusion ranged from 5.8 mm in models and 5.5 mm in radiograph and in Class I Crowding it ranged around 5.9 mm for models and 5.9mm for the radiograph.