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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-01
Prevalence of Malocclusion among 12 Years Old School Children in Kashmir, India
Saima sultan, Tasneem S Ain
Published: Jan. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2018.v05i01.006
Pages: 35-39
A cross-sectional study was carried out among 12 years old school children to assess the prevalence of malocclusion in Kashmir, India.16 schools (8 Government and 8 private) were randomly selected for the survey in two districts of Kashmir namely Srinagar and Ganderbal; all the schools having a minimum roll of 100 students aged 12 years old, were included for the study.An estimated sample of 1600 was examined for the presence/absence of malocclusion and also the type of malocclusion was assessed using WHO criteria of oral health assessment. The other associated occlusal traits such as overjet, overbite, rotations were also recorded. The total 1600 subjects comprised 52% (832) boys and 48%(768) girls. Of the total 1600 subjects, 1253(78.31%) were having one or the other form of malocclusion while only 347(21.68%) had normal occlusion. The prevalence of angle’s class I malocclusion was found to be 65.87%(1054), 21.93% (351) had class II malocclusion; 12.18% (195) had class III malocclusion. It was concluded that majority (78.31%) of the 12years old children exhibited one or the other form of malocclusion. The prevalence of angle’s class I malocclusion was found to be 65.87 %( 1054), 21.93% (351) had class II malocclusion; 12.18% (195) had class III malocclusion. Class II Div 1 malocclusion was more prevalent than Class II Div 2.