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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-03
Evaluation of Removable Prostheses’ Functional Quality: A Pilot Study In Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar
Moctar Gueye, Pape Ibrahima Kamara, Khady Badji, Amadou Toure, El Hadj Babacar Mbodj
Published: March 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2018.v05i03.007
Pages: 149-152
The adaptation period to prosthetic wear is accompanied by functional disorders likely to reduce therapeutic success. This study aimed to evaluate patients’ assessment of removable prosthesis functional quality. This cross-sectional study related to 51 voluntary patients of the both sexes. The instrument used was a scale of appreciation graduated from 1 to 5. The operator recorded for each question the mark that the patient allotted to his prosthesis on the scale; 1 means the weakest assessment and 5 the highest one. The statistical analysis was made by SPSS Version 16.0 with the risk error of 5 %. The prostheses stability had a score higher than the median for 82.4% of the patients. Prostheses had a satisfactory retention for 78.4% of the sample. Patients who allotted to elocution a note higher than the median accounted for 78.4%. The masticatory effectiveness was satisfactory for 70.7% of the patients. The removable prostheses seem to get a satisfying functional contribution. All the same, the development of reliable evaluation criteria would allow a more objective assessment of the therapeutic success.