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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-04
Assessment of Use of Information and Communication Technology among Interns in Dental Colleges of Bangalore City – A Cross Sectional Survey
Padma K Bhat, Amrita Kumari, Anjan Giriraju, Jayachandra MY
Published: April 30, 2018 | 129 103
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2018.v05i04.006
Pages: 196-199
The use of computers as a learning tool in the medical and dental fields dates back to early 1970’s. Internet is a useful tool to update knowledge. To assess use of Information and Communication technology among interns in Dental Colleges in Bangalore city. A predesigned questionnaire was used. There were 19 questions in the questionnaire and it was concerned to computer skills and training, computer activities, internet access and activities involving dentistry. By using simple random sampling technique about 12 dental colleges were selected to obtain sample size of 500 subjects. Ethical clearance was obtained from Institutional review board. Permission to conduct survey was obtained from Principals of selected dental colleges. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS -18 software and were represented in from of tables. Among 300 subjects (169 females and 131 males), 100 % of subjects had access to computer. About 231 (77%) of subjects had access to computers at home and remaining at the university. Out of 131 male subjects, 106 (81%) subjects opined that they find it very easy to open internet and remaining subjects felt opening internet as fairly easy and average. Out of 169 female subjects, 137 (81%) subjects felt it was very easy to open the computers and remaining subjects felt opening internet as fairly easy and average. The present study results convey that dental students have requisite knowledge to operate the computer for their studies and personal activities. However it is limited by the availability of ICT facilities to support their training using the E-education. In order to support their learning, research and training there is need to establish computer resource centers at the Dental Colleges.