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Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences | Volume-5 | Issue-09
Quantity of DNA Isolated from the Pulp Tissue of Primary Teeth Exposed to Various Environmental Conditions
Dr. Manju R, Dr. A. Veena Shetty, Dr. Shama Rao, Prof (Dr) S.M. Sharma, Dr. Prachi Suman
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 | 125 98
DOI: 10.36347/sjds.2018.v05i09.007
Pages: 438-442
The isolation of human genomic DNA is an important step in forensic analysis. The pulp tissue of teeth is a rich source of human genomic DNA which is encased in the hard tissue casing of enamel and dentin. The present study was done to analyze the quantity of DNA from the pulp tissue of deciduous teeth after exposure to various environmental conditions.120 deciduous teeth were divided into six groups of 20 each. First group of 20 teeth were kept at room temperature for 3 months . Second group of 60 teeth were divided into 20 each & kept in well water for 3 months, 9 months & 15 months. Third group of 40 teeth were divided into 20 each and kept at sea water for 9 months & 15 months. The DNA isolation was done from all the samples and quantification was done by using Biospectrometer. Mann-Whitney U Test was used for comparison. There was no statistical difference between group I and group II- 3 months as well as group II -9 months & group III – 9 months. There was a statistical difference between group II- 15 months with group III-15 months. Intra group comparison within group II and in group III showed a statistical difference in group III & no difference in group II for 9 and 15 months.