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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Compost maturity test for Empty fruit bunch of palm oil industry solid waste
B. Kavitha, G. Rajannan and P. Jothimani
Published: Dec. 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2013.v01i03.009
Pages: 98-101
A laboratory experiment was carried out to determine the compost maturity of empty fruit bunch of oil palm. The compost sample collected at the end of the 90th day gave good results for the physico-chemical, qualitative and phyto toxicity test for compost maturity. The starch iodine test showed complete decomposition of the polymers. The sulphide test showed the absence of phytotoxic compounds such as H2S and confirmed the maturity of the compost. The humic acid content at the end of the composting ranged from 10.8 and 14.3 per cent. The highest germination percentage of 81 per cent was observed in radish which indicated that the compost obtained from empty fruit bunch of oil palm fully matured and safely used for agriculture.