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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-1 | Issue-03
Phytochemical Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity Studies of Sirukurinjan Ver Powder
Dr. M. S. Siva Shankar, Dr. M. S. Shree Devi, Dr. B. Sampath Kumar
Published: Dec. 30, 2013 | 254 200
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2013.v01i03.010
Pages: 102-103
This study deals with pharmacognostic screening, preliminary phyto-chemical screening and microbial screening of Sirukurinjan ver. In this screening, pharmacognostical studies are concerned for the determination of physicochemical constants like ash values, extractive values, and loss on drying. This ver were subjected to soxhlation using methanol, petroleum ether, and water. This extracts thus obtained were studied for preliminary phyto-chemical screening for detection of presence of various chemical properties viz., alkaloids, tannins, anthraquinone and phenol. The antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract was evaluated against five microorganisms E. coli, S. aureus, S. pyogens, S. marcescens, C. ablicans, P.vulgaris.and found active against maximum of E. Coli and C. ablicans.