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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-1 | Issue-06
Pharmacological Effects of MISCA F2 (Mitracarpus scaber): A Plant Extract on Intestinal Activity of Rabbit
Jonhson Noel David Trébissou, Felix Houphouet Yapi , Joseph Allico Djaman
Published: Dec. 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2013.v01i06.002
Pages: 231-237
Plant extract (Mitracarpus scaber) coded MISCA is used in traditional medicine to treat most of skin infections. As part of the study of biological tolerance of MISCA, we evaluated the pharmacological effects of the active molecules contained in the ethanol extract of Mitracarpus scaber coded (MISCA F2) on intestinal mechanical activity of rabbit and determine the mechanism of action of these compounds. Our results showed that MISCA F2 dose between 12 µg /ml and 28 µg /ml, causes an increase in rhythmic contractions of rabbit duodenum. This myostimulative action of MISCA F2 is inhibited by atropine at 9.4 x10-10 µg / ml and completely stopped in physiological medium poor in calcium ions. These results suggest the presence of cholinomimetic substances in MISCA F2 which favor the entry of calcium into the smooth muscle cells by stimulation of muscarinic receptors. This study may help to establish the scientific basis for biological tolerance of MISCA F2.