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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-1 | Issue-06
Analysis of Heavy Metals and Hydrocyanic Acid in Selected Infant Formula in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria
Ojo Rotimi Johnson, Olabode Oluwatosin Samson
Published: Dec. 30, 2013 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2013.v01i06.016
Pages: 318-325
Infant formula mimics breast milk as closely as possible and can be advantageous for the proper growth and development of children as adequate nutrition during infancy is essential for lifelong health and wellbeing. However, there are many possible risks associated with the use of artificial formula due to the presence of contaminants .In this study the presence of heavy metals and hydrocyanic acid which long-term exposure could have serious implication on children’s health were assessed in some infant formula in federal capital territory, Abuja, Nigeria. The estimated daily intake of these heavy metals (copper, iron, lead, chromium and arsenic) and hydrocyanic acid were also computed from the result. It was observed that all products contain heavy metals (both essential and toxic elements) within the tolerable limit for infants and very low amount of hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, infant formula produced in or imported to Nigeria can serve adequately as complementary food for infants because they are adequate in essential trace elements, contain the toxic elements within safety limits and low hydrocyanic acid concentration that cannot lead to cyanide poisoning.