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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Confirmation of genome introgression in the inter-specific hybrid progenies of Coffea species through SRAP marker technique
Anil Kumar, S. Ganesh, M.K. Mishra
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i03.010
Pages: 224-235
Gene introgression in Coffea arabica has become essential to introduce resistant genes in arabica through diploid species such as Coffea canephora var. robusta and tree coffee species. The present study had also involved the work on similar aspects of the inter-specific hybrid progenies (10year-old) of a tetraploid dwarf cultivar ‘Cauvery’ (a Catimor line) and diploid cultivar CxR. SRAP marker technique developed by Cravero et al. was followed for characterization and confirmation for the presence of diploid genes transmitted from cultivar CxR. Findings revealed that out of thirty six SRAP primer combinations screened, 16 primer combinations were highly polymorphic for formation of an apparent amplification pattern and produced 147 distinct bands among the parents, F1 and F2 hybrid progenies. A total of thirty seven different types of markers generated based on the gel patterns of parents, F1 robusta hybrids and four different types of F2 hybrids were informative markers for parents and hybrid identification. Among a total number of 138 fragments obtained between F1 robusta and F2 arabica types, 118 (85.50 percent) fragments were shared between them. The amplification pattern between F1 robusta and F2 intermediate type exhibited the presence of 81.95 percent monomorphic fragments out of 133 fragments amplified besides, 13 and 11 fragments unique fragments found in F1 robusta and F2 intermediate type respectively. Similarly, F1 robusta and F2 off type plants indicated 10 fragments exclusively in F1 robusta and 9 fragments in F2 off type while, 112 fragments were present in both out of 131 fragments amplified. The similarity matrix indicated a close relatedness of all the four types of F2 hybrids with the female parent than the male CxR.