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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
A Preliminary Assessment of Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Characteristics of Lake Edward and Majors Tributaries Rivers, Democratic Republic of Congo
Bagalwa M, Yalire M, Balole E. and Karume K.
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i03.011
Pages: 236-245
The physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters commonly used to determine water quality of lakes and rivers in tropical areas indicate declining trend of water quality, unsuitable for the growth of higher aquatic species. A study was carried out on lake Eduard water, streams water and rivers water in the Democratic Republic of Congo side to assess the physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics. About 20 physicochemical and five bacteriological parameters were studied during the sampling period in September 2013 using standards techniques of water analysis. The results have shown that the different parameters varied from one river to another and from Lake water. There are a strong positive correlation between the Lake and the major tributaries rivers in general except Musenda River which is weak correlated with the Lake, Ishasha, Rutshuru, Semuliki and Kisaka rivers. The cluster analysis classified the samples in three classes according to selected physico-chemical parameters. The concentrations of most of the investigated parameters in the water sample from Lake Eduard and major tributaries river were in the permissible limit of WHO and UNECE water quality guidelines. Fecal bacteria were recorded in sampling water such as Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholera and Klesbiella. The presence of Vibrio cholera in water is dangerous to human and must be taken in account in management of the Lake Eduard. A regular monitoring of Lake Eduard and major tributaries rivers is required not only preventing the outbreak of diseases but also to check the water from further deterioration.