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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-07
Nutrient Consumption and Hygiene and Sanitation Practices of Primary School Children (Urban & Rural) in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
Jain Sangita, Nagar Veenu
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i07.005
Pages: 428-431
Children form an important proportion of the vital human potential of any country and therefore their health and wellbeing is of great importance. Like preschool children, primary school children are of concern from nutrition view point as they are still in a growing age physically and their intellectual development is rapid. Earlier studies conducted in the Bareilly region had shown high prevalence of child malnutrition including vit A, energy and calcium deficiency. These deficiencies contribute to ill growth, poor physical development as well as low performance in school. Therefore nutrition education was imparted to the primary school children of backward areas through a combination of media and the impact was studied in terms of knowledge and practices. A total of one hundred an fifty children of 7-9 years were purposively selected. A pretested survey schedule was used for pre and post exposure data collection. A combination of folders, booklets, charts, group discussion, lectures, picture books & puzzles were used for imparting the messages. Knowledge scores and practices obtained after nutrition education showed a significant improvement due to given programme. Also an overall improvement was noticed with respect to the nutrient consumption in both urban and rural group of children.