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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-07
In vitro sensitivity of Sclerotium rolfsii towards some fungicides and botanicals
Ashis Mahato, B. Mondal, D. S. Dhakre, D. C. Khatua
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i07.013
Pages: 467-471
An in-vitro experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different fungicides, plant oils and plant extracts on radial colony growth of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. following poison food technique in PDA medium. One systemic (Carbendazim 50% WP as Bavistin @ 0.1%), three contact (Mancozeb 75% WP as Indofil M-45 @ 0.25%, Copper oxy chloride 50% WP as Blitox @ 0.4%, Chlorothalonil 75% WP as Kavach @ 0.2%) and three combination of systemic and contact fungicides (Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WP as Vitavax Power @ 0.2%), Metalaxyl 8% +Mancozeb 64% WP @ 0.25% as Krilaxyl Gold, Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP as Curzet @ 0.25%) were evaluated against S. rolfsii in laboratory. Besides, four plant oils (Karanja oil from Pongamia pinnata L., Mahua oil from Madhuca indica, Neem oil from Azadirechta indica, Chaulmoogra oil from Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume) @ 5% (v/v) and two plant extract (Kamini – Murriya exotica L. and Nayantara – Vinca rosea L.) @ 10% (v/v) were also evaluated in laboratory. Viavax Power (95%) was the best fungicide to restrict the fungal growth effectively followed by Krilaxyl Gold (94.04%), Kavach (93.55%), Indofil M-45 (90.66%) and Curzet (87.77%). Blitox had negligible effect (20.17%) on reduction of mycelial growth. Among the plant oils and plant extracts, Karanja oil (88.49%) and Murraya exotica leaf extract (86.15%) were found effective in reducing the growth of S. rolfsii. This information may be helpful for developing suitable management practices against the foot rot causing soil borne, polyphagous destructive pathogen.