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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-08
Enhancing Uptake of Secondary and Micronutrients in Banana Cv. Robusta (AAA) Through Intervention of Fertigation and Consortium of Biofertilizers
M. Senthilkumar, S. Ganesh, K. Srinivas, P. Panneerselvam
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i08.001
Pages: 472-478
A field experiment was carried out at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, India in the year 2010 to study the combined effect of fertigation and consortium of biofertilizers on the accumulation of secondary and micronutrients in banana cv Robusta (AAA).The results indicated that the combination of fertigation and consortium of biofertilizers significantly enhanced the secondary and micronutrient accumulation in the leaves, pseudostem and fruits at harvest. In general the fertigation treatments either with or without the combination of consortium of biofertilizers recorded higher secondary and micronutrients in different plant parts as compared to 100% recommended dose of fertilizer applied through soil. Among the treatments, 100% and 75% recommended dose of fertilizers through fertigation with the combination of consortium of biofertilizers, recorded significantly higher secondary and micronutrients in the plant parts analysed. The critical observation on the distribution pattern of secondary and micronutrients indicated that, the calcium and sulphur contents were higher in the pseudostem followed by leaves and fruits whereas, the magnesium content was higher in the pseudo stem followed by fruits and leaves. The iron content was more in the pseudostem followed by leaves and fruits. On contrary, the zinc and manganese contents were higher in the leaves followed by pseudostem and fruits. The secondary nutrient content was in the order of Ca>Mg>S, whereas the micronutrient contents were in the order of Mn>Fe>Zn in the leaves, Fe>Mn>Zn in the psuedostem and Mn>Fe>Zn in the fruits.