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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-09
Efficacy of Vaginal Misoprostol in Termination of Early Pregnancy Failure
Nupur Hooja, Nandaram Seervi, Premlata Mital, AndaleebFatima, Priyanka Makkar, Sapna Aseri, Swati Nayan, Nisha Singh
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 |
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i09.002
Pages: 570-572
Nearly 20% of all confirmed pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. Misoprostol’s use in early pregnancy failure is varied and dose and route are not well established. The aim was to study the efficacy of vaginal misoprostol in causing expulsion of products of conception in early pregnancy failure. Women with an ultrasound diagnosis of early pregnancy failure, less than 12 weeks gestation were included in the study. Tablet Misoprostol 800 mcg was given six hourly vaginally for 3 doses. All observations were noted and analyzed. Mean gestational age was 7.905 + 1.2 weeks. Mean Induction abortion interval was 18.125+1.1 hours. Women with less than six weeks gestational age had least mean induction-abortion interval 15.75+2.82 hours. Mean dose required was 2044mcg. Efficacy of protocol was 88.89% in achieving complete abortion. The regime had 88.89% efficacy, acceptability (90%) and few side effects. Thus by using a lower dose and appropriate interval between two doses (six hours), the side effects were lessened with high efficacy.