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Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences | Volume-2 | Issue-09
Clinico-morphological characteristics of Psoriasis from the patients of Gujrat
Dr. Rachna Laul, Dr. Avinash Thakare, Dr. F.E. Bilimoria, Dr. Ranjeeta Maherotra
Published: Dec. 30, 2014 | 176 130
DOI: 10.36347/sajb.2014.v02i09.008
Pages: 600-603
Psoriasis is common disease in India affecting almost all age groups with slight prevalence in middle aged population.. Our study aims at characterization of the presentation of Psoriasis from patients in Gujrat state of India. We considered age group, sex, various clinical and morphological types, association with nail changes, arthropathy associated with the disease in our study so that the disease problem is identified. We examined a total of 100 patients attending Dermatology OPD of BJ Medical College , Ahmadabad, Gujarat. Informed consent was taken from the patients participating in the study. Careful history and clinical examination as well as supplementary investigations were done to come to the diagnosis of Psoriasis. Study revealed Psoriasis is having more prevalence in middle age group (31-45years)with slight prevalence in male sex ,however higher incidence was noted in female sex of younger age group(16-30 years).Chronic plaque psoriasis was more common type in chronic form while guttate psoriasis was more common in acute from of the disease. Nail changes, oligoarticular type of arthritis were more comman with male patients than in female sex. In most cases precipitating factor was winter season .Our study revealed varied presentation of Psoriasis as far as sex is concerned with more prevalence in Male sex and other associated changes.